Originally Posted By: sprkplug
I don't know how a level wind baitcasting reel differs from a "regular" baitcasting reel...or even if there IS a difference, as I've never even held a baitcaster in my hands! So I definitely don't know how... I only own, as well as fish, with ultralight gear......Got rid of all my heavier gear years ago when I gave up Bass fishing.

Pardon my ignorance on the subject George, but is there something generally regarded as "wrong" with flyfishing for Bass? As I stated, I don't fly fish so I'm in the dark with the generally accepted do's and don'ts........do some ardent fly anglers really turn up their noses at such an idea? If so, what species do they find permissable?

Just making a point Sparky – there are “snob/elitist” fishermen in all quarters – it cuts both ways …. bass fishermen of the tournament variety are the worst of all – they had a fit when I mentioned fly fishing for bass and I have been fishing conventional gear for bass for all my life … BUT … they can’t cast a fly behind a tree like I can with a fly rod or pick up a fly and cast to a rising fish w/o reeling in all their line – all about versatility and using the proper tackle and techniques.

There is no difference in a level wind bait casting reel or not – you just have to learn to “thumb” the spool to avoid a “birdnest” backlash.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)