Cat, I’ll have to jump in on this one – EVERY fish I have caught in 10+ years from our pond has been on a fly rod – I post many times about pond fly fishing tackle and techniques and usually get ignored – I have just about stopped mentioning pond fly fishing ….. .BUT ….. I have caught ALL these fish on my own hand tied flies, grass hoppers, worms, Stubby Steves, and PELLET Flies…..etc….

Cat, you picked the wrong article to quote – times are changing from the traditional elitist image of a fly fisherman to just a versatile fun way to catch fish.
I have been beat up by the “elitists” but my stuff has been published in several national fly-fishing magazines as well as one Australian.

You can keep a big fly in the “strke zone” longer than a lead weighted lure and catch more fish!

Cat, glad you brought up this subject - I have been very disappointed over PB members ignoring the versatility of using “flies” for pond fishing –

By the way, all fishermen should know how to tie good knots – not just fly fisherman

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)