Originally Posted By: esshup
I have mixed feelings about getting rain now. I sowed many $$ of seed, warm season grasses, flowers, etc. and none has germinated due to the lack of moisture. I'm afraid that if they germinate now, they won't mature before winter (especially the native wildflowers). The Dutch White Clover that I sowed germinated, got to have leaves that were about 1/16" dia then they dried up and are gone. 50# of that wasn't cheap.......


I almost second that, I frost seeded 2 acres of Switch and big and little bluestem in Feb. Very little showing do to the lack of moisture. I hoping it got enough moisture since it was frost seeded to grow roots down deep doing the typical warm season grass thing. My shallow water diffuser surface yesterday. It was placed in 3+' of water early last November. Really want rain for the beans and the pond.