Originally Posted By: catmandoo
I've got good news and bad news. I got my fly rod back. Unfortunately it is now a three piece rod, and it was previously just a 2-piece rod.

How it got to where it was is a mystery. It was tangled up in a tree I dropped in the pond a couple of years ago -- about 50 feet from my dock. I hooked a medium size BG near this brush pile. It went deep and I thought it got tangled in the old tree. As I started to try and free my line, I noticed I had hooked my flyrod. Before I could free it, I snapped off the top 12 inches, or so. I retrieved it too. Not sure if it is worth repairing.

At least it wasn't my old memory - if I correctly remember.

In my case it would sound like my wife got ticked and broke the flyrod and threw it in the pond!

Last edited by spinnerbait; 07/13/12 05:09 PM.

"I have not failed, I have only found 10,000 ways that won't work"
Thomas Edison