*pffft!* I am only 43 and have cranial overload. Constantly forgetting stuff from one second to the next. I blame it on my crazy job sucking all of my brain's capability dry, leaving me nothing at the end of the day.

It is fun tripping over something you were sure you lost a few months later. It is like finding that emergency 50 dollar bill taped to the back of your college desk on graduation day while getting ready to move out of the dorm. Party time!

The worst one was loosing a pair of those really nice pruners for apple trees that cost upwards of $40. Looked all over the place and gave up. Bought another pair the next spring and went out to trim my apple trees. Suddenly I had two of them! To this day I have no idea where I found the old pair but I did check for alien space craft to be sure. I can only guess they were still in the tree where I couldn't see them until I got up in it.