I wonder if anyone else has experienced predatation during feeding.

Since the demise of my big catfish I've noticed a lot more small bluegill taking pellets. When the catfish were still around, they would chase away all but the most determined large bluegill.

Shortly after I began feeding three nights ago, I saw a "V" coming very fast and straight from about 50 feet away. It culminated in a watery explosion in the middle of the pellets. All I saw was a really big white belly at lightning speed as it cut the top of the water in front of me. Assuming it was a bass, it was bigger than any I have seen in the pond before. It happened again last night, with what I assume was the same big fish. Tonight, it happened twice. The second predator was not as big as the first. Again, it happened so fast, I couldn't get a good look at the fish, but I assume it was a good size bass.

It certainly is interesting how the character of the pond has changed in the last couple of weeks.

Good Fishn'

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