My bluegill seem to really eating good. Maybe to good, I dont even know if they know how to look for natural food.

The HSB I know show up every night to eat.

I got a few large mouth that show up to see whats going on but they just lurk.

I hope the new Tilapia dont start eating, since I want them to eat the FA.

The catfish have been somewhat shy this year so far, last year they were total pigs. Swimming around with there mouths open shovoling as many as they could in there mouths.

The trout is a sight. There basically nuts. They eat in a total frenzy, smashing into one another, knocking bluegill right out of the water. There the bullys untill a HSB knocks one out the way going for a pellet.

The surface water is 71-75 and the trout are still looking good. Hope the areator and the springs keep them alive a while longer.
