Could be. Keep a look out for black fry in Fritz's pond. Make sure you get a good count as I'll be charging extra for them! smirk Just kidding of course! laugh

I'd like to ask Cody if he knows how old the fish in the above picture is, and if that bulging abdomen is still it's yolk sack. Considering they just appeared about three days ago I'm thinking they can't be more than a week old so spawning couldn't have been that long ago. But the again Cody would know how long they stay on the nest until they scatter and I could be way off on this.

I've only observed one probable nest in the big pond and the male that apparently made the nest was able to find some stone and gravel. Perhaps they held off until they could find suitable substrate? I've had females that seemed to be absorbing their egg die, and was told by someone at BPS it's a probably they deal with on female smallmouth.

Hopefully Cody can give us his expertise on the subject.

Bill are you there?

BTW I have moved close to 200 of the above to the hatchery pond now. 30 the first trip, about 80 the seond, and 80 the third. Unless they scatter soon I think I can scoop up that many more and will try. Cha Ching! $$$ grin

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 06/16/12 09:53 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.