Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
Ideally the disks are too far apart which tends to keep the bubble patterns separate andless efficient. Lets see what other experts (Vertex's testing) say about this. IMO it is better to have the bubble patterns merge early and form one column of rising water. One larger column tends to combine the energy to be more effective at moving more water and more current at the surface.

Hey Charlie,

Bill has a very good point here. He is correct in saying these fusers are a bit to far apart. Good point Bill I did not even catch that when looking at the base. With that said I think you will still be ok though. Your pond is fairly small so this is not as big of an issue. If you were to start getting up into the .25 and bigger ponds then I would have put your fusers right about where your zip ties are in your picture above. You would want your fusers about an inch awasy from each other. Like Bill says all that force closer together would give you much better lift. In your instance though with your pond size I think your ok.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!