Originally Posted By: Bob Lusk
Bring on the comments!

Bob, if we use Lake Fork as an anology - I know a lot about Lake Fork begining from the first stage stocking ponds with Florida Bass that spread when flooded. Fished all three rises until so many boats you could walk across lake without getting your feet wet... grin Betcha DD1 as well...

Simple for me - those fish have been caught and released so many times they have seen every lure and bait ever made - that's where C&R was invented. Many easy fish caught and released likely died and hard to catch Florida survivors remain.

In the beginning 100 fish days were common - then slot limit rules came along. It became so commercial, Lake Fork ruined bass fishing for me.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)