Funny you asked I was thinking of taking a picture of them. They really are tough little boogers. They seem to be growing and doing well. I literally have them in a bucket with out being aerated and no water changes, nothing. The water has turned green and I see no mosquito lava like I normally do in a bucket left unattended for that long. (Eating them I think)
It even is in full sun part of the day and gets a bit hot. I recently moved it as I though that might be an issue. I am thinking the green water is an algae bloom using the nutrients from them pooping and in turn they are eating the algae a pooping more. I’m sure as they start to get size on them the five gallon bucket will not be suitable. Ill try to take a picture of them this weekend.

I have not seen any spawning around the pond, I think they might have been at the end of spawning.

Goofing off is a slang term for engaging in recreation or an idle pastime while obligations of work or society are neglected........... Wikipedia