
If you can get them, I would advise putting in from 25 to 50 total adult BG, but any number would help the forage and start outnumbering the HBG's relatively feeble attempts at reproducing right away.

I think most BG feed train themselves when hungry enough and fed, but I also believe if you put in feed trained BG they 1) will start eating feed right away and 2) may "teach" the HBG faster than they would learn without an example.

I don't know if feed training ever crosses species lines, so that BG could "teach" YP or Cats to eat pellets, but both should learn on there own no problem. Maybe someone has an idea; if not, it would be interesting to conduct a controlled experiment to see.

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever."
-S. M. Stirling
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