With you Nate, I'd never doubt it... If you can keep a warm water refuge for them I'm sure you could pull off redfish in IL.

There's a hatchery in New York that sells lake trout and land locked salmon along with arctic char, pink salmon and others. Just not sure how well they'd do in most ponds, even ones that can support say rainbow trout year round.

There is a hatchery in DE that sells pure striped bass. They are the largest non government producer of them.

Northern snakeheads are becoming very common in the Potomac River, another year or two and the world record will be caught from there... I wouldn't mind stocking some but the fine and jail time doesn't seem worth it.

The challenge with burbot and sturgeon is they pretty much need water parameters the same as for trout. At least the larger sturgeon species do. I know you manage a couple lakes that could probably support them.