I just enlarged a small pond/test hole to an approximately 1/3 acre pond. I had previously bucket stocked it with a handfull of BG and small LMB. When we decided to make the pond bigger I fished out everything I could catch leaving only a few fish which were LMB. After the dig I never saw any of these fish and assumed (wrong) that they died during the dig. I recently stocked 300 HBG in the 5-7 inch range and 100 fingerling SMB. I have been feeding them by hand now for a couple weeks and today noticed what I thought was a bed in the shallows. It didn't have anything on it at the time, however as I came back later I noticed a healthy looking 10-12 inch LMB on the bed. I'm not concerned with the HBG as I assume they are too big to eat and they didn't mind swimming right up to the bass. My concern is for the SMB fingerlings. They would be a very expensive snack. I'm assuming that they are at risk of being fish food to this bass? If this is the only LMB how much damage can it do to the SMB? I tried to catch her today but the darn HBG wouldn't give my jig a chance to find it's way to the bed (that will be a good problem in the future-they sure are aggressive!)

What do you think?