The FA is a real PITA.

I was overruled last summer and the lake perimeter was pretty much decimated. It was attacked with Shore Klear and a weekly hack and slash. (There's a lot of friendly, but earnest, debate around here over what a pond is supposed to look like.) Anyway, this spring the FA and Chara has just exploded and I can't help but think that the loss of so many higher order plants is playing a role.

Tried manual removal. Wasn't thinking and filled the boat so full of algae and water I had to pull it on shore with the tractor. Seriously ineffective. Sprayed it with liquid chelated copper. If brown mats are better than green, you could say it helped for a week. Then tried the granules. At this point I think it would be easier and just as effective to throw my wallet in the pond and call it a day.

Not a real big fan of constant chemical manipulation to start with. Hoping to find a longer term, more "natural" balance.