Hey Todd,

I will try to explain this as best I can. I tried this for the same reason you just said I couldn't afford a TH either! This is a Remington deer feeder from Walmart 85 bucks. The deer feeder I am using as you can see in the video has a seperate motor box below the food container. Well on the back side I measured the width of the box I think it was 5.5 inches wide. I took a flat plastic lid from a tupperware container one that was fairly sturdy.(The wife hasn't missed it yet smile!!) I took my chop saw and cut off all the edges of the lid and used the middle of the lid. I then took and cut it down to the size I needed after that. I needed a 5.5 inch wide by about 2 to 2.5 inch high back plate. Well with it being plastic it glues real well with superglue. So on this particular feeder on the back you can lower a door where your timer is and battery. Well just above that where the door comes down is about a 1/4 inch flat part of the frame of the box. I put a nice thick line of glue on that and then just stuck my piece of plastic on there and in 30 seconds there you go. It was stuck big time. I have not had any issues with it so far and its been on there for a month now. I think 2.5 inches high works good. It doesn't take much to keep that food from going backwards. I hope that makes some sence!! smile It's working great and I can put 100 pounds of food in that feeder and depending on your settings it will last you quite a while!

Last edited by RC51; 04/23/12 09:10 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!