I have searched extensively for spotfin shiners being for sale. So far, the only place I have seen listing them for sale is SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology, Morrisville, N.Y. 13408 Trotta, Laurie (315) 684-6423 Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout, Brown and Tiger Trout, Atlantic Salmon, Coho Salmon, Fathead Minnows, Emerald, Spotfin, Satinfin, and Golden Shiners, Hybrid Striped Bass, Tilapia, Goldfish and Paddlefish.

I have no contacted them to even find out if they do indeed sell them and if so do they ship? If you call them, let us know what they have to say...

I know there are a couple hatcheries in OH who are just starting to raise them. However, I don't think they have gotten to a production level where they can actually offer them for sale.