There is some confusion here? """for the heck of it threw in 2 channel cats, a handful of perch, a bream or two, and some shad minnows we had been fishing with. All are doing very well and were breeding in a pond that only held about 1500 gallons, even the channel cats. I found babies of all 3 species while digging the new pond."""If those species are reproducing in your newly dug pond. You have a management issue. Second issue is fish ID. CC can reproduce in a pond but predators usually eat all the small CC before they are 6" long. As CJ says make sure you have CC and not bullheads. CC has a definate unmistakable forked tail, bullheads have rounded blunt tail on the back margin. If you have reproducing fish in your new pond you may want to rethink your stocking plan or first renovate the pond to eliminate all the 'old' problematic fish. Also CC are a warm water fish growing best in 70F+ water whereas trout are opposite in biology growing best in water less than 70F. Generally these fish are not very compatable for production purposes. Choose physiologically compatable fish.

Is your new pond drainable and seinable for fish harvest? Or is angling your only planned harvest option?

Last edited by Bill Cody; 04/16/12 09:41 AM.

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