If you're just catching fish to stock the pond with, I'd shoot for 10-12 LMB in the 8"-12" range and 50-75 4"+ BG per acre. Stocking adult fish of those species, size and numbers should get you off to a good start. If you can stock the sunfish a bit earlier, enough to allow them to spawn once before the bass all the better. Otherwise, the bass will be very hungry until the sunfish reproduce. Stocking perch is fine, adding 50 or so adults should get you going.

I'd avoid crappies, bullheads and others but from what the owner's trying to accomplish, it really doesn't matter. Having a bass heavy pond is usually the best option for high pressure fishing for church groups and cub scouts type angling. You creates many 8"-12" hungry bass and decent numbers of quality sized panfish. So management wise, leave the bass in the pond don't remove any unless they get over 14", then remove those fish. Other species can be harvested for the table.