Thanks for the insight TJ and James. I added some pickerelweed last year and was thinking about adding arrowhead as well as Lizards tail this year. I have alot of it growing in some wet areas of the property. I figured that I could just transplant that.

I ended up going with LMB, CC, and BC. I realize and am aware of the majority opinion regarding BC in smaller bow's on the site. I've always liked them, the same way many love there BG and perhaps it will be less of a chance for a problem in my more northern climate. All the fish are doing great and was amazed how quickly they grew the first year, especially the CC. I was feeding on the days that allowed me to get out there. I did notice that there are some GSF in there, I wasnt sure if I should remove them as I catch them. I also like the pumpkinseeds but wasnt sure how they would interact with the make up I have now. The pond is right at about 2 acres and the initial stocking numbers were 150lmb, 150 CC and 100 BC. I had put in 40lbs FHM prior and a whole bunch of crayfish.

The amount of enjoyment I'm getting from the pond is quickly exceeding any price tag.