Last fall I posted pix of a couple of new ponds I acquired. Having checked both ponds for depth this spring, one proved to be nice and deep, but the one shown here has a max depth of 3 1/2 feet.

While I know is it usually cheaper to build a new pond than renovate an old one, this pond is in an ideal location near where my son will soon be building a house.
We could see that the vertical part of the drain tube was seeping water and would need to be replaced. So we decided to start draining the pond. The area near the drain is only about 18" deep. On Monday I took a hammer, chisel and hacksaw and started to cut and bend a section of the tube over to start the draining. As I pounded on it, the rusty seeping area began to leak more, so I gave it a few wacks with the hammer and soon opened up a bigger area.

Our plan is to keep at this a few inches at a time until we are at the muck level. Then one way or the other keep digging and draining.
I don't know how much of this we'll get done before calling in the professionals, but in the future you can expect to see my JD350 crawler and JD tractor and soil mover buried up to their axles.