I checked into a windmill well and if I remember right it didn't pump the flow I wanted, and I also need continuous flow for the trout pond. That obviously wouldn't happen during no wind events. Perhaps one could set it up for wind with an electricity back up?

My well is 2 1/2 h.p. and is rated for 45 gpm. I think I actually measured it at 41 gpm. Anyway, last I checked it cost me about $100.00 per month to run it 24/7 if I'm raising trout. That's 24/7 about 7 months of the year.

I sell the trout which more than makes up for the electrical cost and feed.

I did notice by observing my electrical bills my utility company is steadily raising the rate over time. At some point if I want to raise trout it may have to be an RAS that uses much less well water.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.