OK, here's the latest. The pond builder & equipment, and plumber/electrician are finished and gone and paid. I planted rye & bermuda last Thur and got rain Thur & today.
Water is flowing into the pond from the creek. Not a lot of gpms, but you just work with what you got, right... While we were digging at the far end, we open up a small dribble of a spring. The good thing is that it's about a foot below the water line (when full), and is at least saturating the ground at the end. I have been spending most of my time picking up rocks, sticks and root etc, but it's looking better, and when the grass comes up and the pond fills it should look pretty good. I would guess that at least 90% of us have been through this procedure before, but it's fun every time isn't it??

Dam and pipe bringing in the water.

This is from the other end looking back at the dam. Just off to the right at this end is another pvc pipe that I can switch to for a little water coming in at this end at the same time.

Also, I'm going to build a small dock near the dam, and the plumber/electrician is going to give me about 5 pvc "trees" for structure. I'll have plenty of time for the dock and structure, because it'll probably take 2 weeks+ to fill pond (with no rain).

Just do it...