Originally Posted By: Rainman
Cecil...no additional costs at all if you are already pumping your water and aerating....just simply redirecting the costs expended.

But my compressor is only running at night vs. having to run it 24/7 to aerate the well water with your option.

Originally Posted By: Rainman
Your system already beats out all harmful gasses and adds as much oxygen as it possibly can to the well water.

Actually no. It does not produce full saturation of oxygen and there is still some C02 in the water. I know this because I've measured oxygen saturation, and I know all the C02 is not liberated until the PH rises to 8.3 which takes a couple of day in my RAS'.

Originally Posted By: Rainman
The only "loss" is the extremely minor bit of pond water being aerated at the dump point. Dumping your water in the top of the pond and letting the "gravity" work to pull the more dense cool water to your pond bottom is also letting that cool water be warmed far more than needed. Adding a more confined, insulated space for the "agitation aeration" system you have is going to save you energy.


Originally Posted By: Rainman
Extending your tubes to the bottom would save you considerable energy because the water would stay cooler, longer and less water would need to be pumped.

True, but you still have the situation where mixing with a diffuser even if only at night negates that somewhat. The diffuser is needed to keep oxygen levels up on the bottom where wastes and decomposition takes place. I don't think just adding aerated water is enough. I could be wrong however.

I'd love to see someone try yours and Scot's alternate with all of us collecting data for comparison.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 03/10/12 03:35 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.