Originally Posted By: beastman
So if you were only going to fish a spot that uses pellets for a few days would any of these ingredients be worth adding to the normal pellets? Fishing for hybrid striped bass.

Does adding the below create an instant feeding freenzy or does it take time to develop over days/weeks? Note: The fish are already trained on the normal pellets, and has decent fishing pressure so the fish are very hook-smart. I'm just thinking if I can add something to these pellets to make them worry less about getting hooked....

Amino acids proven to initiate gustatory system response: Proline (Pro), alanine (Ala), leucine (Leu), 2-amino-3-guanidinopropionic acid (Agp), and once again, betaine (Bet). High concentration of these amino acids initiate violent feeding, or feeding frenzy. Extremely high concentration create lockjaw after initial feeding without secondary re-initiation of feeding.

If your striped bass have been trained to feed on pellets, then it's be extremely effective to add the additional ingredients. But that's cheating?! LOL If they are not trained to feed on pellets, then the floating compounds from the pellets will attract them like a free buffet dinner bell.

Since you fish have been trained, and hook shy, it will encourage them to feed without thinking. However, as you indicated, it may take a day or two, or even up to one week for them to reprogram their minds. The reason is, if they're getting their meals constantly, they're not worry about going hungry. If they have forage materials readily for additional feeding, they will shy away from feeding in a zone where hooks may be lurking. However, feeding in the zone where you'll be dropping hooks later, while tempting them to go into feeding frenzy now, they will reprogram themselves very quickly. Imagine kids that like the cookies on the kitchen counter go against all your warnings not to touch the cookies, even though they know they will get spanked if they do touch the cookies. The kids will grab the cookies anyway, and if caught, they are willing to get the punishment due to the cookies are so good and enticing. Fish and human mindset are of the same caliber.


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