Beastman, spray attractants have been known to contain 7 different chemical compounds found in nature to initiate feeding frenzy, a well as lockjaw. I know all 7, and a few extra over the years of making baits for different fresh and salt waters, in different elevations, as well as different salinity levels. Plenty of notes and experimentation time logged over the decades. So, yes, spray attractants will work if you spray on pellets, as the compounds trigger a response as the compounds diffused in the water.

For dry mix, add 1/4 teaspoon and dissolve in 2 to 3 cups of warm water. Stir until the crystal dissolves. Only use 1/4 teaspoon to every 1lbs of dried pellets in a container. Any more, it will create a frenzy that may disrupt biological feeding period as long as 2 days because the compound will saturate the area, causing them to await for more feeds from you. Use your bare hand, mix the solution into the dry mix little at a time to cover the dry feeds. You can toss the mix directly when done, or let it dry back up for later usages.

I've experimented with 1/2tspn in the past using corn kernels, and the results were not..well..let's just say it's fun to watch but not fun on your conscience. Carps and cats accidental swallowed other smaller fishes that fed on the kernels, followed up with lockjaw. We laughed at first, but what remained after 8 hours wasn't a pretty sight.


* Knowledge and experience yield wisdom. Sharing wisdom expand the generations with crucial knowledge. Unshared wisdom is worth nothing more than rotting manure.