Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
The Europeans are true believers in the probiotics and some here are getting into the act. And they are very cheap vs. extra vitamins. Not sure I'd want to add extra vitamins as we all know you can get too much of some of them and have problems.

My main problem is all the carbs in commercial fish feed. It's designed as a high energy diet for trout that are constantly swimming against the current in a race way. Our more sedentary species in the ponds end up getting too many carbs and develop the fatty tissue not only in the liver. I believe it shortens their life span vs. a fish on a natural diet. My healthiest fish get both a pellet and natural diet.

Cecil, I LOVE YOU MAN! Finally, I have one on board with me. Look at the filler being added. Vitamins are added, but it's at a waste. Why? Because fish can obtain all the vitamins need via the plants, sunlight, invertebrates, suspended soils, as well as the foods they're foraging. A few mealworm, crickets, or waxworms will be more than sufficient for the entire day worth of vitamins. Vitamins are needed concrete pond/liner pond/tank/aquarium fishes. That I can understand. But an integrated pond with everything to offered by mother nature?

Carbs are good during the initial developmental stages. But come on, do they need more carbs once they reach full maturity? It's like we're loading ourselves up with carbs and fats, then expect not to be fat and unhealthy.

If you want them to bite like you're tossing cocaine to them, try a small amount anhydrous betaine with the dry mix, or just a small amount of it to wet mix. Look at the ingredients for all the feeds. There are plenty of attractants that derived from the natural betaine compounds that drive the fishes into a frenzy. There are a few other gustatory stimulants that I can offer to you which will drive the fishes crazy. I use them in my fishing baits during spawning season.


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