So, I deceided to do a little "ice" fishing yesterday. Well, the ice part is stretching it. I have had open water for almost a week now. The ice has gotten maybe 2" thick for a short time this year. Have not been able to drill 1 hole.

Anyway, I thought would wet a line and see if there were any takers. Had a strike and a nice fight after only a few casts.


Hmmmmmmmmmm. I didn't stock RB. Scott, any ideas how this fish might have made its way into my pond?????

I took the fish up to the house and that is when I discovered


I saw some line comming out of the fish's mouth. Gave it a couple good tugs and out popped the plastic worm. It was all the way into its gut. Came out pretty easily though. You can even see part of the hook near near the head of the worm.

Only thing I can think is that this was a worm that was broken off while fighting another fish this summer. Maybe fell to the pond bottom and the trout picked it up.

OK. Heading out to see if we can't fool a few Honkers this afternoon. Hopefully we can post pics later.

Scott, bring the camera!
