Just got the report from my favorite bait shop in crystal lake, IL, dead center of crystal lake is 5" thick, with highs in the 20's for the rest of the week.

However, that does not make it safe, as a strong reminder to everyone as impatient as i am, a man died in long lake, IL, this past weekend, fishing on 4-5 inches of ice, but his son did report that they found areas where it was only 2-3 inches thick, fell through as it melted in the afternoon, and drowned. Please, everybody, be as careful as possible.

This man's failing, i believe, was that he let his son leave him out there alone for an hour or two. When the son came back he found the hole his father had fallen through, but his father had been moved by the current and drowned.

Here's a brief article on it:

Last edited by skinnybass; 01/16/12 04:21 PM.

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.