dad just called, they had a skim of ice survive the warm spell to last night, and ridonkulously cold so far today, his neighbor drilled off his pier and they have 1.5-2 inches, varying from 3 holes drilled, 2 holes @ chuck's house, one at dad's.

Ice is solid across the middle of the pond, just not at the shoreline. Snow is coming down, but ridonkulous wind isnt letting it stay on the ice, and is blowing and drifting into yards and up against houses.

3 more days of temps only getting to a high of 27, then one day above freezing projected on monday, then we are back into highs in the mid 20's - low 30's, with the possibility of an isolated thawing 2-day period (37 and 42 degree highs) in the next 2 weeks, and plenty of single-digit lows coming up.

I think not this weekend but next some BOW's in the chain will be safe. The following weekend is my trip.

It's on, tom skillings!

Dear Weather,

Edit, here's the temp chart updated. I dropped the "freeze" line down to 28.4 degrees (-2c).

Last edited by skinnybass; 01/12/12 03:32 PM.

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.