Originally Posted By: sprkplug
So you've been together for 6-7 years, she ice fishes, she gets along with your mother..... and she recognizes that ice thickness can vary dramatically over a short distance.

Responsible, outgoing with a probable sense of humor, compassionate, and pretty dang smart. Sounds familiar. 22 years and counting, married to a girl just like that. Pretty awesome stuff. smile smile

spot on for all accounts, especially it being pretty awesome stuff. Maybe she's not huge into ice fishing, but supportive of my northerly addiction. Plus she's a southerner, so she can cook and knows that gravy is supposed to be white and be made mainly of bacon grease. In fact right now she's slow cooking a potato bacon and corn chowder for tomorrow, which is making me want to drop my computer and hover over the crock pot.

And she knows more about plants and animals than I could learn in a lifetime..I think why she fishes with me is so she can study the ponds, turtles etc. She's a "biogeographer" by education, and currently operating as a part herpotologist and part microbiologist/botanist in a study she's working on. Yeah.....probably a keeper. Even if she keeps me off the ice in 3 weeks.

After that explanation, maybe I will let her own the floors after all.

Last edited by skinnybass; 01/11/12 09:07 PM.

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.