Originally Posted By: deadwood
Here's one. I didn't think the spotfin shiner was a species of satinfin shiner. The County of Fairfax native minnow website however states that the spotfin shiner is a species of satinfin shiner.
Is this true?

The issue is, even to a trained experienced ichthyologist, telling satinfin shiners from spotfin shiners is extremely difficult. They are distinct species, not one and the same. They are just very difficult to tell apart. I've been collecting them and keeping them in aquariums for years. They do make excellent aquarium fish. Even with all that experience with them, I struggle to tell them apart at times, particularly juveniles and females. The adult males are fairly easy to tell apart. When I collect in the Potomac drainage, which Fairfax County is in, I can collect either species. However, if I go one drainage further south the Rappahhanock drainage, only satinfins are found in it which makes it easier to separate.

Originally Posted By: deadwood
BTW, it appears that lake chub suckers have come into and gone out of vogue on the forum, but by searching through the older topics on the forum, I did find one source that still seems to have them in stock.

I am not sure LCS have "gone out of vogue", I would say the verdict just isn't out on them yet. My LCS are still a year or two away from spawning. Until I get some spawns and see how they perform, I cannot make a full judgement of them yet. I think in the right ponds, they make good addition. Ponds with at least 25% vegetation cover and softer waters. The website you list is one of several places to located captive bred or sometimes wild collected species. They are expensive as you see from their website, but as I mentioned in a previous post, you buy a dozen or two and then raise them in a forage pond until they spawn and you can then build their numbers up for stocking into a main pond that way... http://zimmermansfish.com/ http://www.btdarters.com/index.htm http://www.jonahsaquarium.com/ and in the US Native Fish section http://www.aquabid.com/