Big brando 105, I'll tell you about my 3/4 acre pond and using a well with a 20 gpm pump. I irrigate my 2 acre lawn so I pull alot of water from the pond to water the lawn.I can see the drop in water after irrigation of the lawn. I have had no problems keeping the pond full with the small pump. Dave Davidson states "wells are seldom the answer to pond problems" and I would think he is correct. However if you are not leaking water from your pond like myself then you don't have a problem.I put around 40,000 gallons of water on my lawn per week (when not raining) which runs my pump for about 36 hrs.I have not calculated the cost of running my pump but, the seldom amount I have to use it and the enjoyment I get from a green lawn doesn't matter to me in regards to the small amount (to me) per year in electricity I use. I sure don't consider it an investment...It's a luxury for me.Just thought you might want my results.