Well I blew it Thursday afternoon. Went out in the drizzle to a ladder stand near a small steam (mostly dry now). Not 15 minutes after settling in, I saw a buck that I watched quite a bit last year. He has a lame front leg and a single drop tine that is now about 5" long. He still needs at least 2 years to be a trophy. Well then I saw he was with another buck coming toward me in the stream bed also. I assumed that he was the same one that Gimpy ran with last year, but there seemed to be a lot of tines, but they did not look long, so I kept my bow laying across my lap. I am sure you know where this is going by now. Well when he popped out of the overhanging brush, he was way out from his ears and a nice typical 10 point. At least a 140 and possibly as big as mid 150s. He now knew something was not right but he proceeded up on my right side
10 yards away, but his eyes were right in my direction the entire time and the other buck was on my left, so I did not know where his eyes were at. The big guy looked straight up at me but did not bolt. He jogged out to about 25 yards strait in front of my stand but behing brush. He then proceeded away to the right, came back in front and then to the left, and then came back again and proceeded away into a weed field, all while behind a line of brush. Don't know if I'll see him again, but I had my chance and really blew it! I now wish that I had attemted the shot with his eyes in my direction. Maybe he was looking lower. woulda coulda shoulda