Originally posted by Waymon Neal:
My 5 acre pond has a high flow thru rate, every time I get the visibility good from fertilization, a heavy rain comes along and wipes out my pefect bloom. Is it possible to use lake dye and feed to achieve maximum fish production and most importantly size?
Absolutely! I assume you mean scrap the fertilization due to water clarity issues and depend on artifical feed to get your fish large? and use the dye to control vegetation due to increased nutrients from the fish feed? However other than bluegills your fish will have to be feed trained from a hatchery. But your growth rates will be much faster and your fish much plumper on artifical feed.

I am doing this presently with bluegills in a very small pond. It has only males and they depend on artifical feed. I have dyed the water with aquashade to keep weed growth down.

My bass that I plant annually at 5 to 7 inches in floating cages in another pond are feed trained and they are liberated into the pond with larger predators by fall at 8 to 12 inches.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.