Well it looks like the coons have found my feeder as well, and I had to bring it home this weekend in hopes to fix it.

I know the cheap hanging feeders are cheap and I guess I should not expect much. But mine has worked for over 2 years now, and the only reason it will not throw food is do to the coons breaking the cheap plastic piece that throws it.

So my thoughts are why are these not metal like on the deer feeders?

Can one find one of these or fix it?

Am I just going to have to buy a new one and just stop complaining about GOD's creatures?

Please help me out as I only have a month or so left now that it has cooled off, and I have a ton of food I need to use before it goes bad.

I wonder if I could do something on a smaller scale like Kelly did on his large feeder with the 5 gallon bucket?
