SP that was fine - no problem. This thread was just barely over the edge and far better than some. We try to head off any problems before they start.

ALL - Bob has given specific instructions for us to avoid any topic that may start a personal argument. Some topics are banned because they start arguments , often heated ones (global warming for example). Those type threads solve nothing and cause 2 types of problems. One they make the individuals involved (posters and readers) mad (you can't judge emotion and feelings well in writing) and less likely to keep involved in the Forum. Two they have a very negative effect on the type readers we want to attract or keep involved and they tune out while at the same time they attract people with an agenda and an argument to make. The result is a lot less friendly atmosphere and a lot more angry posters. Not what Bob wants. There are a bunch of Forums out there to engage in those topics if you like. I hope that explains a little behind the approach.