I don’t know, sprkplug, about "the much needed changes to come"… it’s a real slippery slope, I think. For example, I’m currently commuting between Los Angeles and central Texas. In LA County, it is illegal to “harass” a coyote let alone practice any type of control and now there are packs of coyote roaming around in broad daylight in my neighborhood. They have absolutely no fear of people and, on occasion, we hear reports of toddlers being grabbed (and these are not unsupervised children). To compound the problem, some of these “coyotes” are twice as big as normal as they have interbred heavily with large dogs (the small dogs are just snacks). In my mind, the problem is when laws are passed that are not based on reason and possible unintended (and, often tragic) consequences are not considered. Personally, I prefer my place in Texas (nearest town population: 393) where there’s less regulation. One of my concerns, though, is as the number of California transplants increases in Texas, we may all see greater pressure for “restrictions”. I apologize in advance if I have offended anyone – none was intended – it’s just my frustration leaking out….