A pond fish is never solitary. The size of the pond determines the basses relationship with other fish, therefore the best way to understand them is to observe them. A large bass 6+ goes where he wants with little fear of predators, and it is not uncommon for them to patrol the whole body of water consistently. To find a pond monster you need to understand why fish move, and particularly why a large fish would "need" to move. They move to follow food, protect their territory, and to adjust their body temp. Large fish have a harder time getting that perfect body temp, and they will move every 10 mins or so constantly adjusting. In a small pond this means throw shallow first and work your way out to the fish. Fish naturally look towards shore to feed, so don't be surprised if you catch the largest fish of the day right on the bank. When fishing the bank use a faster retrieve and look for sunning fish. The last bit of advice to you is to be patient, and don't fish ponds with skinny fish or highly productive ponds.