
No one seems to like to name, product names on this matter on this site for some reason?? I don't know if it's because of a lack of knowledge about any of the products or what I am not sure, but I will take a stab at this. I have been secretly using a very well know product called MuckAway for the past 2 months now. I put a full cup that comes in the bucket out every 2 weeks. I full cup says it will treat an area about 800 to 1000 sq. feet. They look like small white pills. Just throw them out into the water much like you were throwing grass seed out on the ground and them let them go to work. I did not want to report on this yet as I was going to take some pictures this weekend of how it's been doing. I can tell you this. I have a 4 foot wide clear area all the way around my pond dang near, because of this stuff! It's funny cause you can see exactly where the yellowish clear bottom is and then where all the chara starts again in my pond. Needless to say it's been working pretty good. I will take pictures and post them on Monday and show you. It's not a fast, fast process but it's working. And the key here is to have an air station going along with it. Man that speeds things up! My air station runs 8 hours a night and that REALLY helps this product do it's job! I don't know if I have any before pictures but I will try and find some before ones and some after ones and post them on Monday so you and anyone else that has been wondering if this product does or does not work can see for themselves and make there own assesment. I think it's working for me, but your have to use it every 2 to 3 weeks like it says. What's cool is I am throwning it out around my dock area and it's clearing areas 100 feet away not just by my dock. I think thats because of the air station pushing these little guys around all over in the pond and mixing things up. Like I said I will post pics Monday. I will start a thread called 'My MuckAway Project".

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!