Ken, I am not saying 100% that isn't a white cat, but I believe it to be a CC... I'd put my confidence in the 90% plus range.

I say this as the head shape screams CC and not white catfish to me. Also, the anal fin seems too long for it to be a white catfish... Although the number of anal fin rays overlaps between the species, usually they are on the extreme of each end, so counting anal fin rays can be a very solid identification method. White catfish have 22-25 anal fin rays and CC have 24-29 anal fin rays. If you still have the carcass of that catfish, count the anal fin rays and that may seal the deal... Also check the dorsal spine. White cats have very noticeable serrations or ridges, which is common amongst the bullhead family while CC dorsal spines tend to be smooth. Hope this helps!

When you cut that bad boy open, was it full or eggs, pellets or something else?