I'm currently on my Droid so picture quality is limited... When I get home and take a better look at the fish I'll give my opinion. When white cats get bigger they really get harder to ID, but their head structure is usually what gives them away.

What I can say is the world record white cat is 18 pounds, 14 ounces. I've caught them over 8 pounds myself. However, any white cat over 20" is in my opinion like catching a CC ocer 30" and a fine trophy! When was the first time you stocked CC from Zett's in your pond? That may give you an age on your oldest white cat. I'm guessing your fish have lots of growing left to do...

White cats probably are not native to WV. Although native to the Potomac River, they're a species more commonly found in the tidal reaches not the up stream mountainous upper section of the river. That where yellow bullheads call home. Maybe WV will create a white cat catagory for your fish...?