Originally Posted By: Todd3138
Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
Originally Posted By: Todd3138
Well, what with JHAP's new serious outlook on life, he may be a lot less interesting, but a six figure moratorium period may just be a reality!

It will not be a problem to me to achieve a six figure moratorium period.

Well assuming that the figure includes numbers to the right of a decimal point.

Oh and Todd, did you ever see this photo before?

Well, actually that was me inside the snake. I tried some intensive immersion therapy once, thinking that by just going down the gullet of a snake that size, it would force me to confront my issues with the end result being that I was able to overcome my irrational hatred of snakes. In the end, though, all I got was covered in snake poo and even more irritated at their existence. You'll note how the two fellows holding the lump that is me are struggling to stay upright - that's because I'm pretty big and, combined with the weight of that snake it was just almost too much for them. Yeah, I've seen that picture before.

If you were in the gullet of a snake like that, you became Snake Poo! grin