Originally Posted By: roadwarriorsvt
Dang Cat, I can get any AM product I want in about 2-3 weeks, and I'm way out here in the Pacific!

That is disturbing. I lived in Wahiawa a very long time ago. I was one of the few haoles who broke into the Filipino neighborhood on Ohia Street. I was happy to just get Portuguese sausage and rice for breakfast, and lumpia for lunch. Mainland products were rare and a real luxury to find in the local businesses. We had to go to Arakowa's in Waipahu to get mainland tools and agriculture products. Where you live was basically off-limits because it was the local water supply. It was very dense jungle. Now and then I'd find my way to the water's edge. It was filled with millions of big tilapia.

Originally Posted By: esshup
Ken, have you tried calling Purina themselves and expressing your plight?

Scott -- the last time I seriously talked to anyone from Purina about this, it was Mark Griffin. He basically referred me to their website. He left shortly after that.

Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
I talked to the Purina Reps at the Conference. The Dealer has to order what they think they can sell. Purina just doesn't push the product out there.

I too have talked to Purina reps at the last two conferences. I think of it as being similar to where I work. I work for a company with 125,000 world-wide employees. At my level, with more 40 years in this business, and with a multi-million dollar annual income for the company, I'm not even a dot on the earnings charts. I have six levels of management above me! The top five levels have no idea what I do. They have no appreciation for the importance of what my team does, nor even how much profit I bring them. They just always want more money. Our CEO got $37 million last year. I'm guessing that Purina is a lot like where I work.

Originally Posted By: ewest
Cat you are paying way too much. Check for alternatives.

Eric -- you are absolutely right. I have some Aquamax left, but, I've gone back to Lil' Strike. I'd love to get Aquamax, for its quality and because Purina has been such a great supporter of Pond Boss. But, it is just too much of a hassle to get it ordered, to get it picked up on time, and it is way too expensive.

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