Originally posted by dave in el dorado ca:
ewests warning on beavers prompted me to research if the aqua vu co. has developed an RES camera guard, i couldnt locate one on the net, jeff, we'll probably have to manufacture one \:D
After my RES mauling I'm thinking of investing in Kevlar gloves. \:D

Originally posted by dave in el dorado ca:

jeff, our recent cold snap is probably just a blip on the radar, temporarily cooling surface water, but probably not affecting spawning time, its jumping back up into 70's today, and according to local forecasts will remain there for the next week. it did however throw off hand feeding for a couple days.....we had sustained 20-30 mph wind all day yesterday, but thats calming too.....i hope to feed this afternoon for the first time since Sunday evening.
Good to know the water temps are holding.

I've been trying to read posts daily, only 12 more gruesome days to go. I can't wait to get up there to see how things are going at my place.

Keep posting I'm reading.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)