Originally posted by dave in el dorado ca:
since the forum recieves very little detailed info on lepomis habits west of the sierras, jeff and i will hope to add to that knowledge base as best we can......so yes jeff, this is the year to monitor temps. i've already started a little spreadsheet with my first measurements and will add to it throughout year. i've already blown it with the RES, i didnt get any actual pre-stocking length and weight measurements.
DOH, I never thought of weighing and measuring the RES before I released! Dang, what an novice mistake! Then again, the RES drew blood just picking him up to photo.... had I attempted to weigh and measure I might have lost an appendage or two.

Originally posted by dave in el dorado ca:
anyway jeff, it might behoove us to be ready to take length and weight measurements and track the growth as we (hopefully) catch these fish in the near future.

You might want to leave the weeds in yer shallows this year just for the RES and BG, and me and my fancy equipment are ready, you wont have to lure us too hard \:D
I am going to track anything that I catch this year. Last year I only "noted" the length and weight of the larger LMB and GSF. This year I intend to track everything that I possibly can.

I have an abundance of weeds, in particular Elodea. I had way, way too much coverage last year. I am going to eliminate a lot of the Elodea this year through chemical control but I will still leave in plenty for hiding places. I haven't decided exactly what chemical to use yet but have narrowed it down (based upon posts on these forums) to a couple. The only thing that I did last year to control the Elodea was manual removal. It was back breaking work (wet Elodea is very heavy) but I managed to clear some areas out. I've been reading about water lilies on this forum, it seems there are a few of the less invasive species that might be interesting. Eventually I would like to substitute some of the Elodea with lilies. I think they look much better than Elodea.

As you and I discussed recently I think that I might be getting some nutrient run off from the vineyard that is above my pond. Although it is "down stream" from my spillway I have a feeling that when the spillway retreats with the warmer weather it may carry some of the fertilizer backwards into my pond. Is this possible? My spillway is essentially just a stream out of my pond and around the dam. It doesn't have a "water fall" type of separation. I'm thinking of adding something between my pond and the spillway stream. I noticed that you have a concrete structure that creates a water fall type drop. I'd like your input on that set up Dave. I am concerned that as the vineyard gets fertilized (let alone future pesticides) that I will get some intrusion into my pond.

I intend to pick your brain some this year so I'd glad that you will be lure-friendly! \:D


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)