Originally posted by dave in el dorado ca:
so i loaded up the truck with a transport cooler, and the official "RES Health and Safety -Official Protocols Kit for the Handling and Transport of RES", complete with guaze, band-aids, sterile alcohol, tailgate safety meeting forms, emergency numbers, route to hospital map, and recommended PPE (personal protective equipment). The recommendation for first time handlers is level B with supplied air, but i have a pretty good background handling GILLS, so i opted for level D, the usual, steel toed boots, hard hat, ear, eye, and hand protection.

jeff, i'm really sorry i forgot to tell you i had this kit, i would have loaned it to you, so instead, i will help pay yer medical bills if you dont quite cut it this tax season.

jeff, thanks for the kind words on yer post, WE DID IT MY FRIEND!
Oh sure and you send your old friend Jeff into to battle with only a T shirt, worn blue jeans and tennis shoes? \:D

Great photos Dave, we did "get er done" and this summer we should have both BG AND RES a plenty! At 5:00pm we should simultaneously crack open a beer and toast our new arrivals. Cheers my friend!

PS If I don't stop messing around on this forum I'm never gonna get taxes done. Note to self: Back to work you laggard!


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)