Thanks for all the input, everyone.

My current plans are to try to get the 8" to 10" HSB stockers ASAP. I'm going to up the number ordered to allow for a 40% predation loss (50 ordered vs. 30 desired). If I have "too many" survive, I will just eat some early next year, before water temps peak and water quality hits the Summer low.

I considered putting in a blocking net and isolating the HSB behind it for a while, perhaps even a month or two, but decided to spend more money on fish rather than on plastic netting at this time (and avoid net and post removal in colder weather). I think I will release the new HSB in the deep half of the pond immediately following tossing a lot of feed into the feedring (which is over a deep bowl in the shallow end). My hope is that the usual feeding frenzy will distract most of the big LMB in the pond. It should at least work to keep the feed trained LMB and the big CC busy.

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever."
-S. M. Stirling
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