Hi Everyone,

I am a new member with a 6 year old pond. It's just shy of 1 acre. 15-20 feet in one end and shallower in the other. Very steep grade, with low vegitation. Ground water fed. We have wild waterfowl in the Spring and some diving ducks and occasional other fish hunters - cranes, king fisher etc.

Two years ago we stocked some FH minnows and threw in occasional WE, LMB and SMB. We had aeration in the deep end all year, and through winter until it froze up. We had a large winter kill with approx 80 fish, most were fairly large size. The minnows finally died out as well.

So this year I am starting from scratch again. I plan to get an aerator pump with diffusers in both ends in summer, and run shallow in winter.

I'd like a pond that I can get a meal from occasionally and some light fishing for fun. I don't plan to pellet feed. We are thinking of YP/Crappie/SMB. There is a fishery in our area www.fish4stocking.com/
that recomend this as one of their stocking plans: 50 3-4" SM
50 3-4" WE
200 HBG
200 304" YP
100 Black Crappies
100LB fat head

What is your opinon on this plan, as far as meeting my needs stated above?