One of my favorite catfish ponds was also stocked with green sunfish.It was so easy to catch these fish, it could even be done with a bare hook. They were all small, from 2-4 inches but there were hundreds of them. Then someone stocked 20 LMB I know it was 20 because that someone was me. The next year the bass fishing was good. The year after that there was so many small LMB you could catch them off just a bare hook. I figured this was just a dissaster. It seemed so right in the beginning, Ireally thought the greenies would keep the LMB under control. Now you cannot even catch a greenie, the bass pop has leveled off some. Now it is mostly very healthy looking 1 1/2 to 2 pound bass with the seldom 3 pounder. Are the greenies still there, do I need to add bg , how could that have happened to so many green sunfish. Could they have been hybrids, which dont reproduce as much ?